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Pricing for Carol's Web Creations

Price depends on the size and complexity of your website. The pricing schedule below is for my expertise and labor only. You will pay third-party fees, and there will be ongoing third-party fees to maintain your website.

Third-party fees cover: a domain name and either web hosting or a web template. Most companies will manage those fees in one package for you.

Let Me Make it Easy For You

My Expertise and Labor

- Create your new website from the ground up,
- Give your existing site a gentle facelift,
- Give your existing site a major overhaul,
- Maintain your existing website for you,
- Train you to maintain your website yourself.

Third Party Requirements

A domain name is required for every website. It is the URL (web address) that people use to find you. Your domain name is uniquely yours. Mine is: CarolsWebCreations.com. Nobody else has that name on the entire internet.

Web hosting is the least expensive third-party fee for putting your website up on the internet. It requires I make your site from scratch, and you will have no control over editing and uploading your website to the internet. Those tasks will need to be done by me, thus will require additional fees for maintenance later (as needed). This approach is sometimes used by those who have very simple websites that require infrequent or no maintenance (like this one).

Companies that offer website templates vary in services and price. Their websites are made and edited online, and are live on the internet with the push of a button. GoDaddy has the simplest, most user friendly templates, and is the most cost effective that I have used. Subsplash is intended for Christian organizations, and has the most elaborate and complicated services and price that I have used. Squarespace falls somewhere in between. I am not limited to using those companies if you have one that you prefer or already use. Experience has given me the ability to adapt easily to a variety of formats.

Carol's Web Creation Prices

Would you like to chat about your needs?
Email me.

Price Description
$50 basic page Short pages: pre-made forms or pages with little data entry.
$100 full page Normal pages: data entry with pics, movies, tables, charts, etc.
$150-$200 per page Complicated or extremely long pages (rare).
$50-$100 Logo: simple design with no graphics, your design or mine.
Per page, or
$50 per hour
Modify existing pages: varies according to complexity of changes.
Per page: complete overhaul / redesign (see above).
Per hour: minimal changes, 1/2 hr min, credit for unused time.
$50-$200 Modify site layout, menu.
$50 per hour Consultation: learn to maintain your own pages, 1/2 hr min, credit for unused time.
You Pay Separately Domain(s), web hosting or web template, other extra third-party services.
Examples Details
$300 Carol's Web Creations - Dreamweaver - from scratch
2 pgs, designed logo with (photoshopped) roll-over picture
$500 Mad for Alaska - GoDaddy Template
3 pgs, 2 forms, 1 pg setup (someone else entered data), 6 pgs total, consultation
$650 DOT Compliance Safety Group - GoDaddy Template
5 full pgs, 1 form, 1 short pg, consultation
$1000 Treehouse Cove Lodge - Squarespace Template
15 pgs modified, some slightly, some majorly overhauled or created, reorganized site layout & menu, contracted ongoing maintenance (1 year)
$2500 - Website
$1000 - Mobile App
Farm Loop Christian Center - Subsplash Template
25 pgs website, mobile app, complicated process, ongoing maintenance (1 yr)

2020 - All Rights Reserved by Carol's Web Creations
Palmer, Alaska

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way.

Psalm 37:23